Ramona Salo Myrseth og Katarina Skår Lisa

Our Arctic Archive

04.11.23 — 14.04.24
En dame kledd i en lang kjole som er hvit med rødt mønster fra samisk kultur. Hun står ved en fjord i arktisk landskap
SVALBARD DIARY (SVALBÁRDDABEAIVEGIRJI), 2022, Photography: Tom Warner, Locations: Longyearfforden and The Svalbard Dress
About the exhibition
"Our Arctic Archive" shows works by the artist duo Ramona Salo Myrseth and Katarina Skår Lisa. The works were created during a stay on Svalbard in 2021, with artistic research conducted through dialogue with people, movement in nature, and documentation of the landscape.
About the artists

These Arctic experiences were archived through linocuts on textile and paper, video, and photography. Ramona Salo Myrseth and Katarina Skår Lisa collaborated with Longyearbyen-based filmmaker Tom Warner to document their work, and the Sámi musician and joker Lávre Johan Eira composed the exhibition's soundtrack.

Salo Myrseth and Skår Lisa are independent artists, but in their collaborative projects they poetically explore their Sea Sámi background. Their work tells a story about their heritage and their contemporaneity. It is a dialogue about profounding political issues emerging from the experience of colonialism for both Nordic and Sámi societies today, such as right to land and culture. They are concerned with creating artworks in relation to ecology, culture, care, and nature.

Salo Myrseth is educated as a clothing designer from Oslo National Academy of the Arts. As a craftsman, duojár, designer, and storyteller, she investigates materials, texture, and cultural and personal memory.

Skår Lisa is educated in choreography from Oslo National Academy of the Arts, and in dance, performance, and movement art from, among others, the Artness School of Movement and its Performance in Ein Shemer, Israel. Her work crosses between stage art and performance art. In particular she investigates the connection between nature, culture, and humans.

Read more about the art project (PDF-file)

“Our Arctic Archive” was initiated and produced by Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum and all the works are sourced from the museum's collection. Curator of the exhibition is Lise Dahl.

SKISSEFILMER FRA SVALBARD (ÁLGOEVTTOHUSFILMMAT SVALBÁRDDAS), 2021, Video: Bjorndalen Cáhci ja geadgi Bjorndalen Water and Stone, Direction and Camera: Tom Warner, Sound: Simen Korsmo Robertsen, Lávre Johan Eira
SKISSEFILMER FRA SVALBARD (ÁLGOEVTTOHUSFILMMAT SVALBÁRDDAS), 2021, Video: Bjorndalen Cáhci ja geadgi Bjorndalen Water and Stone, Direction and Camera: Tom Warner, Sound: Simen Korsmo Robertsen, Lávre Johan Eira