Sámi Stories in Alaska

Sámi Stories: Art and Identity of an Arctic People is a landmark exhibition examining the history, identity, politics, and visual culture of the Sámi, the indigenous people of Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia’s Kola Peninsula. Featuring a selection of contemporary artworks and traditional duodji (handicraft)—including a reindeer milk scoop, shaman’s drum, cradle, and a selection of hats and dolls—Sámi Stories: Art and Identity of an Arctic People offers visitors an overview of Sámi history and visual culture from the 17th century to the present.
The exhibition have earlier been on display at Northern Norway Art Museum, Tromsø, and Scandinavia House, New York.
Curatorial concept by: Dr. Charis Gullickson, Senior Curator at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum