Vision and Revolution

Peder Balke (1804 –1887) was one of the most innovative artists of the Romantic period and the first Norwegian to depict the landscape of Northern Norway. Important to his artistic development was a journey along the coast of Northern Norway, from Trondheim to Vadsø in 1832. The sublime nature of the North is portrayed with a highly experimental, sometimes almost abstract, technique. Balke was also a political visionary, concerned with the social conditions of his time. The exhibition at Northern Norway Art Museum displays how Balke’s democratic ideals influenced his art. The exhibition celebrates the Norwegian Constitution’s bicentennial jubilee, in addition to the rediscovery of Peder Balke’s artistic oeuvre in 1914. The exhibition is a collaboration with the National Gallery, London, where it will be shown from 11 November this year to 12 April 2015.