
Subsistence presents us with a North that is full of intertwined and often conflicting perspectives of what the Arctic is and might still be. The Circumpolar North – whether idea, lived reality, geographic place, community or political and cultural space – is the result of constant negotiations between the internal and external influences that the region and its peoples rely upon for survival.
The Arctic is constantly in motion, continually defining and redefining itself in new ways. Today’s renewed interest in the Artic demands increased reflection about the region and its possible futures – both within the North and beyond. The artworks, films, installations and performances comprising Subsistence address the essentials of the Arctic – an environment that has long furnished the indigenous cultures who call it their home with the basis for their survival, but which is now under pressure from an increasing number of actors and agencies.

Subsistence gathers together the work of artists who are engaged with the Arctic and its various challenges and potentials. The resulting exhibition includes a large-scale wall installation by Sonya Kelliher-Combs, a series of performances by Allison Akootchook Warden, an interactive installation by the architecture and design collective Lateral North, chalk drawings by Ingeborg Annie Lindahl, a site-specific window installation by Marek Ranis and video works by Marja Helander, Caroline Monnet and Derek Coté, amongst others. There are 15 artists represented in the exhibition, from 6 different countries.
The exhibition is a collaboration between Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Anchorage museum and Arctic Arts Festival, and is curated by Julie Decker (Director, Anchorage Museum) and Jérémie Michael McGowan (Director, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum). The exhibition is on view from 24 June – 05 August in Galleri NordNorge in Harstad.
Participating artists:
Brian Adams (USA)
Trond Ansten (NOR)
Derek Coté (USA)
Nicholas Galanin (USA)
Marja Helander (FIN)
Geir Tore Holm (NOR)
Anna Hoover (USA)
Rose-Marie Huuva (SWE)
Sonya Kelliher-Combs (USA)
Lateral North (GBR)
Ingeborg Annie Lindahl (NOR)
Caroline Monnet (CAN)
Marek Ranis (POL/USA)
Marita Isobel Solberg (NOR)
Allison Akootchook Warden (USA)
Curated by Julie Decker and Jérémie Michael McGowan