from the collection

Stimuli 6

01.04.22 — 12.02.23
fem strikkede gensere med forskjellig motiv
Joar Nango, Sámi Shelters
About the exhibition
Stimuli is an exhibition program with focus on our newly acquired artworks. In 2020 the museum (among several other institutions around the country) received a greater allocation from the Ministry of Culture, to be used to acquire contemporary art, crafts and design.

This COVID-19 measure helps stimulate artistic activity in the region and helps the museum a unique opportunity to expand our collection.

In Stimuli 6 you will find works from Joar Nago, Kristin Tårnesvik, Sayed Sattar Hasan, Ragna Misvær Grønstad, Berit Marit Hætta, Geir Tore Holm and Ingunn Milly Hansen.

Kurator: Lise Dahl, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum