Sami Week at the museum

Program for the week
All Week
SKAPE Workshop: Open for creative expression with materials inspired by duodji.
Tuesday, February 4
Curator Tour with Charis Gullickson (For adults):
Explore the exhibition "Tidslag – Everyday Life on Svalbard."
Wednesday, February 5
Exhibition Tour (For adults and baby groups):
Experience "Æ e det æ har gjort" by Ingunn Utsi and "Himmelhuden" by Sissel Muthalé Berg.
Weaving Workshop with Mathilde Stubmark (For young adults and adults):
Try out mini and card looms inspired by Sami artworks. Feel free to bring your own loom!
Registration via this link.
Max 15 participants.
Thursday, February 6
12:00–13:00 and 14:00–15:00
Exhibition Tour (For adults and baby groups):
Explore "Æ e det æ har gjort" by Ingunn Utsi and "Himmelhuden" by Sissel Muthalé Berg.
Curator Tour with Charis Gullickson (For adults):
Explore the exhibition "Tidslag – Everyday Life on Svalbard."
Friday, February 7
12:00–13:00 and 14:00–15:00
Exhibition Tour (For adults):
Explore "Æ e det æ har gjort" by Ingunn Utsi and "Himmelhuden" by Sissel Muthalé Berg.
Saturday, February 8
11:15–12:00 and 12:15–13:00
Tour and Joik with Elisabeth Jørgensen and Anette Busk:
Join a tour of "Æ e det æ har gjort" and "Himmelhuden," followed by a joik performance.
Sunday, February 9
11:15–11:45 and 12:15–12:45
Tour and Joik with Elisabeth Jørgensen and Anette Busk:
Repeat the experience from Saturday with a tour and joik performance.
We look forward to seeing you!
Welcome to visit the exhibitions in the museum