Potential of the Gap

Lisa Torell uses the gap as a tool and the place as material. What resides in gaps, cracks and spaces? And what happens if you fill them?
Her art is site-specific and aims to expose places' inherent nature. She also works with the thin line between public and semi-public spaces, and how these spaces, with their gaps, affect their surroundings. Is there a gap between the public pavement and the entrance to the semi-public Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum?

Potential of the Gap is Lisa Torell's PhD project at Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (NARP) at Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Art and Creative Writing, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. NARP is a research and PhD programme for research through art, as opposed to on art. At the centre of these projects is the artistic core, and it must be connected to reflections on process, method and context, in addition to visual results.
Torell has been making art throughout the PhD. Potential of the Gap presents works made specifically for locations in Istanbul, Gdansk, Norrköping, Stockholm, Småland and Tromsø. The exhibition also presents new site-specific works for Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum. Potential of the Gap is, therefore, a partial recapitulation, but also a new exhibition where multiple works are shown isolated from «their» place.

Lisa Torell (b. 1972) is educated at Umeå University, Konstfack, Royal Institute of Art and UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. She did her first solo exhibition in 1998, and have exhibited both alone and in cooperation in the Nordic countries, Great Britain, Germany and Italy.