
The starting point for the works is the idea itself and the problem surrounding it determines which language, medium and technique to use. He is known for his poetic approach and his commitment to the themes of nature and culture. The humor in the works is essential, but with undertones, for the dark truth and worry is always there and smoldering.
Johansen grew up in Alta, but has lived in Oslo for much of his adult life. He has a long career behind him as an artist, curator and article writer, and with extensive exhibition activities and several public decorations. In the mid-1990s, he was one of the initiators of Galleri Struts in Oslo, one of the first artist-run galleries in Norway, and later Zoolounge, a café and exhibition space for contemporary art.
After many years, Johansen moved back to Alta. "Krakelert" is his first solo exhibition in the North Norwegian Art Museum and shows a total of seven works, of which the three videos Fjellet, Sprekk and Fossen are shown for the first time. The video works juggle between two movements; sound and image - not at the same time, and not one by one - but it is in the spaces between that we find art.
Curator: Lise Dahl, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum