Sámi Dáiddamusea is dead. Long live Sámi Dáiddamusea!

Anne Marja vad ser du? Part 2 by Lena Stenberg
Anne Marja vad ser du? av Lena Stenberg

After a two months long hiatus, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum is back. But the museum performance Sámi Dáiddamusea goes on. The exhibition There Is No, the core of the fictitious sami art museum will continue as a touring exhibition at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum. From April 21st and through the summer, sami art will occupy the two upper floors of the museum.

Duodji at Sami Daiddamusea. Photo: Marius Fiskum
Duodji i Sami Daiddamusea. Foto: Marius Fiskum

Sámi Dáiddamusea* and There is no has been an incredible success, and crushed all records with over 8000 visitors.
- We want to give an even bigger audience the opportunity to see the sami art, and I'm delighted that the exhibition can live on at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, says director Jérémie McGowan. - And simultainiously we want to keep the idea of a real Sámi Dáiddamusea alive.

There Is No presents a selection from the 1300 sami artworks in the collection of RiddoDuottarMuseat(link is external), representing over 60 artists. The exhibition is a suggestion to what a real sami art museum might look like.

There Is No på Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum

*Sámi Dáiddamusea is a museum performance by RiddoDuottarMuseat and Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum

Wednesday 03. May 2017