Curator at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum Charis Gullickson defends her doctoral degree
The dissertation is about practices at art museums in Norway analysed from the perspectives of institutional critique, feminism and decoloniality.
Art historian Charis Gullickson has been employed at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum since 2008. In her position as curator at the museum, she has gained solid knowledge and experience, particularly in the field of art in the High North, where her curatorial practice has taken root. She has been central to the realisation of a number of publications and important exhibitions both at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum and at other art institutions in the Circumpolar North.
Gullickson has spent the last 3 years working on her PhD, and will now defend her thesis for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Her PhD project is anchored in the vision and strategy of Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum.
The project is supported by the Research Council of Norway's Public Sector PhD project.
Trial lecture and defence
Thursday 24 August at 15:30 Gullickson will give a trial lecture on the topic for the PhD degree:
"Discuss the Norwegian art museums as settler institutions in a historical perspective. Consider how/if this institutional history influences previous and/or current curatorial practice."
The defence will start at 16:30 the same day, where she will publicly defend her thesis:
"Talking Back to Art Museum Practices: Seeing Public Art Museums in Norway Through the Lens of Institutional Critique Feminism and Decoloniality"
All interested parties are welcome to attend the trial lecture and defence, which will take place at UIT The Arctic University of Norway.
More information on UIT website about : Defence - Charis Ann Gullickson | UiT(link is external)
Both will also be streamed for those who do not have the opportunity to travel to campus.
You can follow the trial lecture digitally here(link is external)
You can follow the defence digitally here(link is external)