The Collection
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum presents Norwegian and international art from the 17th century to the present day, with specific attention on the art of Northern Norway. The collection contains over 2100 works, in such different formats as paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, textiles and ceramics. A selection of the collection is on display on the first floor of the museum, including works by Peder Balke, John Savio, Anna-Eva Bergman and Olav Christopher Jenssen.
The collection also includes works by Norwegian artists such as Kjell Nupen, Iver Jåks, AK Dolven, Bjarne Melgaard and Morten Viskum, which isn't currently on display. In addition, exhibitions will often be expanded with works deposited from The National Gallery, SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge's Art Foundation, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB NOR, Tromsø Kunstforening and private collections. These long-term deposits enable us to display works by such greats as Knud Baade, Harriet Backer, Christian Korgh, David Hockney and Edward Munch.
In 2014 Olav Christopher Jenssen donated close to 100 works to the museum, and a selction is on display in a seperate room in the permanent collection. Jenssen is one of Nowray's most recognised artists, known for his playful style and vivid colours. He's had works exhibited in institutions like MoMA - Museum of Modern Art in New York, Marta Herford Museum, and The Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo. Jenssen still has a close connection to his roots in Northern Norway, where he has frequent exhibitions.